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How To Improve Site Ranking In Google Search – Basic SEO Services For Hotels

SEO for hotels is very important and equally important is the accuracy shown in the process because one wrong step taken out of inexperience of lack of knowledge can damage its entire online reputation. For this reason, it is recommended by the experts that hotels should always avail SEO services for hotels from reputed SEO professionals. The reason cited by them is that these professionals are fully experienced in the art and have full knowledge of how to improve site ranking in Google search results. Here in this blog post, we will have a look at some steps that these experts would take in this regards.

On-Page Hotel SEO

As a part of their affordable local SEO services, these professionals first engage in on-page SEO, i.e. SEO of the WebPages and make sure that they are all optimized as per latest Google benchmarks. They will work on several things and most importantly the keywords because SEO is entirely the game of keywords and better understanding of keywords one has, better SEO professional he could become.


  • The first thing that these professionals of SEO services India would engage in is the keywords and they will use phrases that are two to three words long.
  • They will work with the idea of using keywords that have more search volumes and those that more and more people are using in their searches related to hotels or restaurants.
  • Using popular keywords is of no use at all because this policy will always generate results in the long run and will not generate results as expected in SEO services for hotels.

Types of Keywords Used By Them

In their SEO services India for hotels, these professionals will use different kinds of keywords and the primary one would be there not more than 1 or 2 percent of the entire content. Let us have a good look at the types of keywords these professionals will use.

Focus Keywords

  • If your website is on Wordpress, the best hotel SEO tools is Yoast, a plug in that will give feedback on how well your text is optimized.

Secondary Keywords

  • Then, the next option would be secondary keywords that will be added to support the focus or primary keyword.
  • These are basically not as important as the focus keywords, but they help a lot as far as pulling organic results is concerned.

Long Tail Keywords

  • Next would be long tail keywords that will help them fetch more precisely located audience and this when complemented with the local SEO service, will make them even productive.
  • For example, let’s say your focus keyword is “hotel in Berlin”; maybe you can use a long tail keyword with “hotels in Berlin with breakfast included”. This gives you the opportunity to rank for both keywords.

As a part of their on-page SEO services for hotels, these SEO experts India will work on a number thing like –

  • The Content Length and its Headings
  • The URL of both Internal & External Links
  • Photo Tags
  • Meta Data
  • Meta Title
  • Meta Description
  • Authority
  • DA, or Domain Authority
  • PA, or Page Authority
  • Page Speed

All these steps would be followed by really aggressive off-page SEO services that would include good use of the entire www and sharing the links, content, etc. on suitable platforms. Once this happens, the hotel’s website will automatically see its vertical growth in both, search engine ranks and reputation.