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Ensure Successful SEO Campaign Offered By SEO Company India Experts

Just having a fully-loaded website for your business is like having a no website, if it is not on the first page of the search engine. Now people would ask as to what is the need of being on the first page of Google and other search engines, when they are getting sufficient amount of business. The fact is that it is more than just a necessity to be on the page 1 because being there means greater chances of audience coming to your website. This can be done easily with the help of the services offered by an online marketing company India and the name is SEO services.

These services have become very important for business and with competition getting stiffer and stiffer; it will soon become the most important pillar of success for any company. This can be understood more easily with the help of the following findings of a research.

  • As many as 67K Google searches are done every second
  • 39% of the entire global e-commerce traffic comes from search engines
  • 93% of online experiences begin with a search
  • 80% of the users ignore paid ads

To leverage everything, SEO services India become very important and here in this post, we will go through some tricks that going to be very productive in 2020 and beyond.

What Is SEO?

According to the experts of an SEO company India, SEO is the process of making the website crawl swiftly towards the page one of search engines and from there, towards the top of the first page. In this process, the web pages and content get ranked on certain factors by the search engines and these two things are assessed on various parameters like –

  • Latest Google SERP feature
  • Audience and user intent
  • Google word trends
  • Mobile optimization
  • Social media

Here are some expert SEO tips and tricks for your website.

Relevant Data

  • According to the experts of 

digital marketing company India, a company should primarily focus on high quality information presented to the audience in the form of strategically place content. The reason is that in the beginning, the audience comes to a website primarily for information that you can render in such a way that the audience soon turns into customers.

Mobile Indexing

  • Smart phones are the future and this makes it very important for a business to get into mobile indexing because of the fact that even as of now, more than 67 percent search initiates from mobiles. This clearly calls for making the website as mobile-friendly as possible and that too, as soon as possible.

Focussing On Page Loading Speed

  • A person visiting on a website stays there for not more than 3-4 seconds and that time is enough to pull his/her attention more and convert into a client. For this, the website has to be lightening fast and thus, a business needs to focus more upon this too.

Other than these, a number of steps are recommended by the SEO professionals of a reputed SEO company India and some very important ones have been listed below.

  • Include Videos In Your Content Marketing As Videos Offer A Great Way To Enhance Your Web Experience.
  • Say "Hi" To Voice Search And Ensuring That The Content Is Easily Readable
  • Including Rich Content Snippets As They Contribute To Popularity On The Web